Tuesday 11 January 2011

Final Piece (Final Website)

Home Page: The home page uses one of backgrounds created while experimenting with the Paint and Diffuser. The background suggests that the Aylesbury Camera Club are artistic, and modern. This then will attract the younger market as they are modern. I have Incorporated the logo into the middle of the page and spread around it are four links or buttons title 'About', 'Members Area', 'Get Involved' and 'Gallery'. Also there is a link on the logo that brings up a page of Aylesbury Camera Clubs Partners.

The following pages have the same layout. It has the links or buttons to the other pages across the top. they use a background from my experiment with Paint and a Diffuser. Again this background will show the Aylesbury Camera Club as modern and artistic. Also the text font i used isn't too formal and is a blue. The colour blue is natural and will appeal to both the male and female audience.

Logo and Partnerships: This page simply shows the Aylesbury Camera Club logo with the Visual i's logo and the Buckinghamshire County Council logo.

About: In this page there is a short paragraph that explains what Aylesbury Camera Club is. It also has an image of two teenagers with a camera having fun. And another image of a slightly older group taking photographs of a landscape. This would show the Club as a fun activity and also show the teenage market that it fun for their age. The Aylesbury Camera Club logo is also shown.

Members Area: This page is for the Members of Aylusbury Camera Club. It has the date of the next meeting along with the months task. It is a page that would be updated regulary with latest information.

Get Involved: This page is where people will find out how to get involved and join the Aylesbury Camera Club. It gives clear instructions of how join. Also the costs is shown and some ectra details. The Aylesbury Camera Club logo is shown.

Gallery: This page shows the best photographs from the recent task taken by the Aylesbury Camera Club members. It is a page that will be updated every month with the new photos. It also has the members name next to the photographs.

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